Welcome To Our Church Website
Our prayer is that you would be blessed and be strengthened by the power of Jesus Christ and that you will live a life of abundance in fellowship, joy and liberty.
Greater St John Ministries is here for you. It is not just a church. It is a fellowship of believers coming together to declare the glory of the Lord and to celebrate Jesus as King.
We study the Word and practice what we learn that we may become productive citizens in The Kingdom of God.
May God richly bless you and keep you!
Service Times
Morning Worship (In Person)
Streaming Live on Facebook
9:00 am
Prayer & Bible Band (Zoom)
7:00pm to 8:00pm
Mission Bible Class (Zoom)
7:00pm to 8:00pm

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Church Motto:
“…we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house.”
Psalms 65:4b
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